Symptoms of gastric ulcers and ways to cure ulcers!

Although the symptoms of gastric ulcers appear, many people avoid it thinking it is a common gastric and later face many kinds of problems. This is why everyone needs to have a clear idea about gastric ulcers. A gastric ulcer is basically known as a peptic ulcer in medical language.

Peptic ulcers are accompanied by a slight pain in the upper abdomen, as well as sudden, severe pain and indigestion. Irregular eating or being on an empty stomach for a long time can cause peptic ulcers. Peptic ulcer occurs not only in the stomach but also in any part of the digestive system.

Excess acid production in the stomach leads to peptic ulcers. This is because excess acid destroys the lining of the stomach mucosa and comes in contact with the stomach causing inflammation. And the bacterium Helicobacter pylori also destroys the mitochondrial membrane, bringing the acid into contact with the stomach and helping to cause inflammation.

Peptic ulcers can also be caused by the secretion of excess acid and a digestive enzyme called pepsin from the digestive tract. Sometimes there are peptic or gastric ulcers even though the structure of the nutritional system is weak at birth.

Let us know the symptoms of peptic or gastric ulcers and details about the treatment.

gastric ulcers

Symptoms of Ulcer:

There are specific symptoms of the gastric or peptic ulcer which, if manifested, can easily give an idea about the disease. And if you have symptoms of gastric ulcer, you should see a doctor. E.g.

1. In addition to mild pain in the abdomen, sometimes severe pain starts and the pain increases after eating.

2. Chest burns.

3. There is a loss of appetite and weight loss.

4. Excessive hiccups keep coming.

5. There is nausea, sometimes vomiting.

6. Sour or bitter belching.

7. Pain is felt in the spine.

What to do in case of ulcer:

Peptic or gastric ulcer is not a complicated disease and it is now possible to get rid of this disease easily as the treatment method is modern. Symptoms of a gastric ulcer include changes in eating habits as soon as the treatment is taken according to the doctor’s advice. In this case, the changes that need to be made in the diet are-

1. Fried and spicy foods should be avoided.

2. Smoking and alcohol should be avoided.

3. Fast food and soft drinks should be avoided.

4. Vitamin A, and C, E fruits and vegetables should be developed more and more eating habits.

5. Caffeinated foods should be avoided.

6. You have to drink pure water every day according to your physical needs.

Ways to cure ulcers:

Many people suffer from ulcers due to irregular eating habits and lifestyles. Between 2.4 – 6.1 percent of the world’s population suffers from ulcers. Peptic ulcers or gastric ulcers can be easily cured in the early stages. Sometimes it has to resort to surgery if it takes on a deadly shape. In this case, if the symptoms of gastric ulcer appear, it is necessary to change the eating habits at the beginning and take the medicine as per the advice of the doctor. And irregular eating should be abandoned. You need to eat on time as well as live a conscious life.

What not to eat in case of ulcers:

In case of a peptic ulcer or stomach ulcer, it is necessary to be careful while taking food. In this case, there are some foods that must be avoided. The foods to be avoided in peptic ulcer are:

1. Coffee or caffeine-rich foods

2. Extra spicy or salty foods

3. Red meat i.e. beef etc.

4. Milk and dairy products etc.

Can lemons be eaten for ulcers:

Many people think that the acidity in lemons increases and if there are symptoms of gastric ulcers, they should avoid lemons. But this is a misconception. Lemon does not increase acidity but helps to reduce it. Lemon contains citric acid which reacts with sodium, potassium, etc. salts in the stomach to form compounds like sodium citrate, potassium citrate, etc. And hydrochloric acid is secreted from the stomach.

This hydrochloric causes heartburn and gas problems. In this case, the alkaline sodium citrate compound reacts with the excess hydrochloric acid to help prevent it. It does not cause indigestion. So lemon helps indigestion. In other words, in the case of a peptic or gastric ulcer, lemon can be eaten.

Diet of Peptic Ulcer Patient:

A peptic ulcer is a disease caused by a wound. However, peptic ulcers can be easily cured. Therefore, the patient has to choose the right food as well as treatment. 

Beneficial foods for patients with peptic ulcer are:

Fiber-rich foods: Eating fiber-rich foods greatly reduces the risk of peptic ulcers. Fiber-rich foods help reduce acid. Fiber-rich foods such as oats, sweet potatoes, apples, figs, broccoli, carrots, etc. should be included in the daily diet.

Vitamin A-rich foods: Vitamin-rich foods play an important role in the prevention of ulcers as well as help to heal ulcer wounds. Vitamin A in papaya, mango, sweet potato, carrot, pumpkin, spinach, red bell pepper, etc. should be eaten daily.

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Flavonoid-rich foods: Flavonoid-rich foods like green tea, ginger, garlic, onion, colorful vegetables, and fruits can be taken regularly to prevent ulcer ulcers.

Pro-biotic foods: Pro-biotic foods like yogurt, miso, kimchi, etc. help in the quick healing of ulcers.

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Treatment of peptic ulcer:

Peptic ulcers or gastric ulcers are easily curable. Therefore, it is necessary to take proper treatment without neglect. However, if the treatment is not taken in time, various complex problems can occur. Occasionally there may be a stomachache and vomiting. Therefore, as soon as the symptoms of gastric ulcer appear, the doctor should be approached. Patients usually benefit from antacids in the early stages.

However, if the patient does not feel well after taking long-term medication, and vomits immediately after taking the food, that is, if any part of the alimentary canal becomes narrow, then the course of operation has to be chosen. And it is possible to get rid of this disease.

Thus peptic ulcer or gastric ulcer is a very common disease. So be aware to get rid of this disease. And live a healthy normal life. Irregular eating habits should be avoided. As soon as the symptoms of gastric ulcer appear, it is necessary to take the advice of a doctor without thinking about gastric. And remember that prevention is more important than cure. Therefore, peptic or gastric ulcers may be avoided. Awareness needs to be raised among the public.

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