Vitamin A Foods and its Benefits

Vitamin A Foods – Vitamin A is a very important nutrient, its chemical name is ‘retinol’. It helps strengthen the body’s immune system to fight infections and keep your eyes and skin moist. Eating foods rich in vitamin A is a great way to improve your overall health and protect yourself from chronic diseases.

Adequate vitamin A in your diet is important for a healthy immune system, as well as for the health of vision, skin, and breathing. Vitamin A deficiency is extremely dangerous for pregnant mothers, so getting enough vitamin A is very important for all people.

Vitamin A foods:

best vitamin A foods include carrots, beef liver, broccoli, mustard greens, lettuce, tomatoes, mangoes, grape juice, turkey liver, and much more.

  • Carrots: Eating a medium-sized carrot gives you more than 40% vitamin A per day.
  • Beef liver: 100 grams of beef liver provides more than 1000% of the daily requirement of Vitamin A.
  • Spinach: spinach One cup contains more than 15% of the vitamin A you need every day. 
  • Mango: Mango provides about 20% of the recommended vitamin A per day. 
Vitamin A Foods
  • Sweet Potatoes: One cup of sweet potatoes contains more than 200% of your required vitamin A. However, it is in the form of a provitamin.
  • Cabbage: One cup of cabbage provides less than 100% of the amount of retinol your body needs. 
  • Butter: One tablespoon of butter provides more than 10% of your daily requirement of vitamin A. 
  • Broccoli: broccoli One cup contains more than 10% of your required vitamin A.
  • Milk: Milk is protected with vitamin A, but of course a cup contains about 2% of the vitamin A you need. 
  • Mustard greens: greens One cup of these delicious will give you one-third of the amount of vitamin A you should eat every day. 

Benefits of Vitamin A :

  • Strengthens Immunity: strengthens the Vitamin A body’s immune system against infections, it keeps the mucous membranes moist to ensure better immunity, increases the activity of white blood cells, prevents germs from entering your body. Gives and helps fight infections after germs enter the body.
  • Improves vision: Vitamin A can help improve vision. This enables your eyes to adapt to changes in light and keep them hydrated. It also improves night vision and enhances human eye ability. Many conditions such as night blindness can be prevented by adapting to bright light and darkness. It can also significantly reduce the risk of cataracts and maculopathy that are usually associated with aging.
  • Skin Care: Vitamin A helps keep your body free of radicals and toxins that can damage your skin and helps keep skin smooth and supple by ensuring that moisture is retained. The result prevents dryness, keratosis, and skin conditions such as psoriasis.
  • Reduces the risk of acne: It strengthens the protective tissues of the skin, enhances the general health and vitality of the skin surface and it scans toxins from the body and cleanses the system due to its anti-oxidant properties.
  • Vitamin A can help prevent cancer: Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant, which can prevent certain cancers, such as breast and prostate cancer.

Related: What is vitamin B Complex? Details including vitamin B rich foods & many more!

  • Promotes bone health: Vitamin A strengthens bones and teeth. 
  • Lowers blood cholesterol levels. 
  • Helps reduce the risk of measles. 
  • Vitamin Asuch foods protect the reproductive system. 

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